Monday, July 18, 2011

we have bags to pack

even though my original due date is 8 sep, i am now operating on a mindset that i am actually due in august. my OB says i can give birth as early as 9 aug.

so, just in case baby kr decides to come out earlier than expected, we began preparing our hospital bags. and as recommended by fellow moms and first-time parents, each of us has to prepare a bag.

source: google images

for baby kr's bag, these should be the contents (i have already checked with my OB):

lots of baby blankets
tie side shirts
cotton balls
diapers for newborn
(note: Medical City will provide baby's toiletries)

source: google images

my bag (already edited by moi):

nursing bras
pajama set/pantulog
maternity pads and/or adult diapers
bath towel, face towel
comfy slippers
going home outfit (a maternity outfit, since my regular clothes won't fit me yet)
extra sleeping pillow
nursing pillow
extra blanket
books - The Baby Manual, What to Expect When You’re Expecting
IPOD, earphone and charger
bag with wallet (don't forget the HMO card!), mobile + charger, etc.

source: google images

for the baby daddy (edited as well):

change of clothes
bath towel
pillows and blanket
digital camera (with SD card and battery, charger)
mobile, charger

we should also not forget to bring these:

photocopy of marriage certificate
Medical City admission form; patient information form
Philhealth form
baby record book (for hand/foot prints, visitor's log, etc.)

19 july update: per our OB, the coach (in this case, k) should bring 1 empty bag with a bonnet and camera to the delivery room. the empty bag to hold my personal belongings (the ones i will take off); the bonnet to cover baby kr's head right after delivery; and a camera to capture all precious moments. she also reminded me not to bring any valuables into the delivery room as these may get lost. bring only stuff you can afford to lose (no jewelry and watches, antique rosaries nor books). pls. note that i also took out the feeding bottles from the baby bag - our ob says we are encouraged to strictly breastfeed. :)
we're almost ready to go, but please baby don't come too soon! :)

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