let me share the benefits of exclusively breastfeeding kirsten:
1. breastmilk provides her first immunization against diseases! my colostrum is rich in infection-fighting ingredients that will help develop her immune system and protect her from diseases. therefore, fewer trips to the pedia!
2. breastmilk is complete food for her first 6 months, no need for water nor supplements!
3. breastmilk promotes the development of good vision!
4. breastmilk decreases the risk of diabetes in babies!
5. breastmilk is easily digested, decreasing diaarhea/constipation episodes! also, kirsten's poo is sweet-smelling and not at all offensive! i love changing her diapers!
6. it increases her IQ! there have been studies that show babies who are breastfed perform better in school, score higher in intelligence tests, and get higher teacher ratings!
7. breastfeeding results in better teeth and jaw development!
8. for the moms, breastfeeding helps
a. you lose weight as it burns as much as 500-600 calories a day! (did i tell you i lost 26 lbs 3 weeks after giving birth?? ehem!)
b. you save money! breastmilk is free, no need to buy formula!
c. you save time! breastmilk is readily available - no need to mix, warm, sterilize! just pop out the boob!
d. soothe the baby whenever, wherever! if kirsten keeps crying after we've changed her nappy, rocked her, played with her, etc., i bring her to my breast and she's happy! :)
there are more wonderful benefits han the ones i mentioned above, do read up! here are some sites you can get info from:
The Perfect Latch
La Leche League Manila
i aim to breastfeed for as long as i can. when i get back to work, i will pump and store my milk so she can still feed on breastmilk even when i am away. there are some sacrifices to be made (breastfeeding in public is a bit awkward but after some time you can do it like a pro!) i want only the best for our kirsten bear! :)
some breastfeeding episodes while we were out and about!
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