Tuesday, July 7, 2009

celebrity sightings

gwen garci and christopher de leon in one day??? not together, of course.

had a gossip girl frame of mind for a moment there. felt like whipping out my camera, take photos and send it to people. well, i did take a photo (from a distance) of the multi-awarded actor. he was actually obliging some people who wanted their photos taken with him. he was trying on some clothes and some people were outside the store, taking photos. sabi nya he doesn't like having photos alone so "why don't you come in and pose with me"? it was very generous of him.

also, he was gorgeous. fit and fab (you could tell he was working out!) in a tight fitting gray shirt, slim fit jeans and leather brown shoes. how old is he again??

about gwen, she was pretty in a tube (spaghetti-strapped?) blouse and short shorts. and a newsboy cap. long legs. well-endowned. small, mestiza face (nope, i didn't take a photo). she was with two men (gay??), and was sort of discreet. di maingay, unlike her one companion who was talking a little too loud. i overheard she's staying in the same condo as i am.

all in one (sick) day. yeah, i'm sick. for 3 days now. it's physically draining just to stay at home and wait until the aches and pains go away. hope to be fit enough to go to work tomorrow.

but in the meantime, which star will i see again today? heehee

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